Call Center Supervisor Training


  • Online study material to prepare for exam.
  • MSI Certification exam, completed online.
  • Mailing of certificate & transcripts once certified.

No, the Call Center Supervisor training & certification includes all of the course work required to study for and pass the certification exam.  This certification program is perfect for first-time call center supervisors who need to learn the key skills to supervise call center agents.

This program includes our complete online training program for Call Center Supervisors.  It also includes a certification exam and the mailing of our official certificate & transcripts to the student upon completion of the program.  The student will receive a digital certificate immediately upon passing the exam.

The training course is self-paced. Time to complete and fully comprehend will vary with every individual.  Average completion time is approximately 6-8 hours.  You may take the final exam as soon as you’re ready.  You have access to the program for 1 year from the date of purchase.

The certification test is timed, with a limit of 2 hour.  Students may take the test online, from home or work whenever you are ready.  The test is accessed directly from within the student learning center.

You will be mailed a Certificate Of Completion, as well as a letter of congratulations and two copies of our training verification letters which you can give to employers who request it. The certificate is heavy-stock, cream paper suitable for framing.