Six Sigma Certification in Philadelphia


The Management and Strategy Institute (MSI) is a Pennsylvania based company, located in the Philadelphia region. We offer all of our Six Sigma certification programs online, allowing you to take your training directly from your office, without having to travel. We offer training for companies in Philadelphia as well as other cities across the country.

MSI doesn’t currently offer in-person training, however our online study material is designed specifically to help prepare you for your belt-level exam.  We offer certification in all Six Sigma belt levels, from White Belt to Master Black belt.  We also offer Champion, 5S, DFSS certifications as well as some quality-based certifications like TQM.

The Philadelphia region is an important economic region in regards to manufacturing.  With over 4,000 manufactures in the region, goods produced in Philadelphia are used throughout the US and the world.  While not as large of the industrial powerhouse it once way, Philadelphia still plays an important part in manufacturing.  In the early 1900’s Philadelphia was one of the largest textile product manufacturing cities in the world, producing everything from socks to carpets.  The cities prime location on the east coast along with an abundant supply of skilled labor made it the perfect manufacturing hub.

It wouldn’t be possible for Philadelphia to have such a robust manufacturing industry without having a functional logistics operation.  Transportation by both rail and sea have played a big part of the success in moving goods out of the city.

Today we are seeing a resurgence of manufacturing in the US and quality / improvement programs are making these manufactures more competitive.  Programs like Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, 5S, and others are helping Philadelphia manufacturers keep costs under control while increasing productivity.

History of Manufacturing in Philadelphia

Colonial Beginnings:

Philadelphia’s manufacturing history dates back to its founding in 1682 by William Penn. As one of the original 13 colonies, the city served as a vital hub for early American industry. Industries like shipbuilding, textile production, and ironworking thrived in the region. Benjamin Franklin, a famous Philadelphian, was instrumental in promoting manufacturing through his innovations, such as the Pennsylvania Fireplace, which increased energy efficiency in homes.

Industrial Revolution and Beyond:

The 19th century saw Philadelphia emerge as a major industrial powerhouse during the Industrial Revolution. The city’s strategic location along the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers facilitated the transportation of raw materials and finished goods. Textile mills, foundries, and machine shops sprang up across the city. One of the most iconic symbols of Philadelphia’s industrial might during this era was the Baldwin Locomotive Works, which became a leading manufacturer of steam locomotives.

Philadelphia also played a critical role in the development of the early American textile industry. The city was home to the first successful textile factory in the United States, built by Samuel Slater in 1790, which marked the beginning of a thriving textile manufacturing sector in the region.

By the mid-19th century, Philadelphia’s manufacturing sector had expanded into a wide range of industries, including shipbuilding, glass production, and pharmaceuticals. Companies like Cramp Shipbuilding and SmithKline Beckman (now part of GlaxoSmithKline) became household names.

Labor Movements and Challenges:

Despite its prosperity, Philadelphia’s manufacturing history was not without its challenges. The city witnessed significant labor unrest in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with strikes and worker protests becoming common as laborers fought for better working conditions and fair wages. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877, one of the largest labor uprisings in U.S. history, began in Philadelphia and quickly spread across the nation.

Decline and Resurgence:

In the mid-20th century, like many American cities, Philadelphia’s manufacturing sector faced a decline due to factors such as outsourcing and changes in industrial technology. Factories closed, and jobs were lost, leading to economic challenges in the region.

However, Philadelphia has shown resilience and adaptability. In recent decades, the city has experienced a resurgence in manufacturing, driven by advancements in technology, research, and innovation. The presence of world-class universities and research institutions like the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University has played a vital role in fostering innovation and supporting high-tech industries.

Philadelphia has also embraced green manufacturing practices and sustainable industries, aligning itself with modern trends in environmental consciousness. Companies in sectors like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and advanced manufacturing have established a strong presence in the city.

Future of Manufacturing in Philadelphia

The manufacturing history of Philadelphia is a captivating journey through the heart of American industry. From its pioneering days as a colonial hub to its pivotal role during the Industrial Revolution, Philadelphia has witnessed the rise, fall, and resurgence of manufacturing over the centuries.

As we look to the future, it is clear that manufacturing in Philadelphia and beyond is poised for a transformation driven by innovation, technology, and efficiency. One of the critical tools that will shape this future is the implementation of Six Sigma methodology. With its relentless focus on reducing defects and improving processes, Six Sigma has become an integral part of modern manufacturing.

Philadelphia’s manufacturing sector is embracing Six Sigma as a means to enhance productivity, reduce waste, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s global market. This data-driven approach is not only streamlining production processes but also fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence among manufacturers in the city.

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